What To Expect

Step 1: Real Estate Course

Get enrolled in school

Provisional Sales Associate Application Process

i. To finish the course quickly and efficiently, set aside time to study everyday. You know what works best for your schedule, but you need to commit to it to achieve your goals.
ii. You must complete school and receive your Certificate of Completion before going on to step 2. OREC will not accept your background check or application prior to course completion.

Step 2: Complete Your Background Check

2. Once you’ve received your Certificate of Completion from the real estate school, you can schedule your electronic fingerprints for your background check, and complete the rest of the OREC

Application online. a. IdentoGO - Electronic Finger Prints / Background Check - $60

i. https://ok.ibtfingerprint.com/
ii. Click the green button that says Register For In-State Digital Fingerprinting Service
iii. The service code to schedule an appointment with IdentoGO is 2B7NR3

Step 3: Complete Your OREC Application

3. Complete your application for a Provisional Sales Associate license - $35 a. https://orec.us.thentiacloud.net/webs/orec/application/#/login

i. Under the login fields, select “Apply Now”
ii. Set up an account in the OREC Application Portal
iii. Once Inside the Application Portal, click the Select This Application under the Real Estate License as

a Provisional Sales Associate section.

iv. You will then complete the long application process which includes upload the following documents:

1. Certificate of Completion for Approved 90 Hour Pre-License Course
2. Proof of Citizenship - This is typically satisfied with a copy of a birth certificate or valid passport.
3. Background Check (You don’t have to upload anything for this. IdentoGO will provide this directly to OREC )

Steps 4-6: Complete The State Issued Exam

4. Once your Application, Certificate of Completion, and Background Check are all submitted, OREC will typically review everything within 5 business days. You will be notified via email of any missing information or documents, so keep your eyes open for that (include spam)

5. Once your Application is approved, OREC will send you a PSI Candidate ID number so you can schedule your state issued exam.

6. Schedule your PSI state exam. - $60

a. https://candidate.psiexams.com/
b. On the right side of the screen, select Create An Account, input therequired information and click Submit

i. The name & email must match exactly what OREC has in their system.
ii At the bottom of the "Your Details" section be sure to click the checkbox nex to Check here to attempt to locate existing records for you in the system.
c. From your account home page, on the right side of the screen under My Tasks, select Register for a Test
d. Select Government/State Licensing Agencies as the Organization, then select Oklahoma as the Jurisdiction, OK Real Estate as the Account, and then click OK Salesperson Examination.
e. Then you will be able to enter your PSI Candidate Idand schedue your exam.